Friday, May 30, 2008


Greetings and welcome to the Canton of Westland Mor's BLOG!

We hope you'll check back often to see what we have to say or to find out what's happening in our Canton and surrounding groups.

I would like to take a moment to send Vivats! to all the Barony members who participated in the various competitions at War Practice! THLord Hrothgar won the 7-Pearl Inter-Baronial Heavy Weapons Tourney.... Dona Caroline came in third with much grace and style during the 7-Pearl Inter-Baronial Rapier Tourney... and Lord Kenn the Just made third place in the finals for a Thrown Weapons Competition, alas he did not win. Congratulations to you all on fine performances!

Don't forget, Spring Thing is on Saturday, June 14th! The theme this year is "Day of Swine & Roses" and the event proposes to be a day full of good food and fun. Check the Canton's Spring Thing webpage for more information and directions to the event.