Saturday, February 5, 2011

Spring is a-coming

Ok, so you look out your window and all you see is snow and ice. Spring seems a distant promise or a vague memory from the past. Yet, as Lady Elizabeth Thorne put it, the traditional consultation with Phil the Groundhog has taken place and a prediction of an early spring has been pronounced. What does this have to do with us and the SCA? With the coming of Spring comes the planning for more events, especially events that will take place out of doors and that may involve camping.  Here is what Lady Elizabeth had to say about getting ready for Spring:

Take a few minutes in the coming days to check your garb, armor, weapons, and camping equipment.

What kind of shape is it in? Do you need to replace those pesky tent poles? Would it hurt to pick up a small canister or two of propane so you have enough to run your stove and lantern at Pennsic without it killing your budget just before you leave.

Make a list of what you took last time. Make a list of what you desperately thought you needed that you forgot. Think carefully about what you took that you did not need and take that off the list.

Those who are newer...questions?

Those who are old hand at this...memories, recommendations??

War Practice, Spring Thing, 3-Day and Pennsic, as well as a score of other wonderful events, are all right around the corner. May your enthusiasm to pack your vehicle and venture off inspire you to heed our advice and begin checking your supplies now rather than waiting 'til the night before the event. After all, who wants to get to War Practice only to find out that they forgot to pack their air mattress? Or, that they will be needed to help with court, only to discover that the only reasonable outfit packed has a horrible, glaring hole! This later scenario, however, can be a good excuse to purchase new garb.

So, take a little time each day to evaluate your supplies. We hope you will go forth prepared and able to focus on the fun times and memories you will soon create!

Happy Adventuring!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Barony of St. Swithin's Bog's Annual Twelfth Night (1/22/2011)

Twelfth Night was delightful to put it simply.

The weather cooperated as best it could. In other words, it was so cold that not even the snow would dare to fall. But it was beautiful none the less. For from within the warmth of a building full of medieval character, we could admire a gentle world that displayed for us her best snowy white dress beaded with glittering ice.

What happened within the friendly hall and rooms of the building?  All who gathered shared smiles and conversation.  They laughed or spoke seriously of matters most important within the Knowne World.  They exchanged stories, listened to music, admired scroll work, and feasted heartily.  New friendships were made; and old friendships were rekindled. Small children delighted us old folks with their vigor and bravery. Tears of joy were shed as good friends received high honors from Their Majesties and Their Excellencies.  Embraces were made and plans were set... until next we should meet.

And this was our Twelfth Night.  I ask you, what more could one expect from an event?