Monday, July 4, 2011


Get out your packing lists, check your tents, and buy some sunblock and a new wide brim hat. It's time for PENNSIC!

Most years, I have a routine for Pennsic. Go to some classes, watch at least one battle, head up to the Barony's main campsite for Gobi night, and relax. There's nothing wrong with having a routine...but...

This year, I'm going to make an effort to do things I've never done before at Pennsic. There are lots of gentles each year who put in a thought, effort, and time to create entertainment for us to enjoy.

Each day there are dance classes that focus on learning the steps to the specific dances planned for the balls during the week.

Artisans' Row has expanced:

"A place to craft… A place to learn… A place to share…
Artisans Rows have been growing steadily over the past half-dozen years at SCA events. An Artisans Row is usually a collection of workshop areas where artisans & scholars can demonstrate, share, and teach – preferably hands-on – their particular skills & knowledge.
At Pennsic, Artisans Row is set up a little differently. We have three tents in the Pennsic University area (A&S Tents #4, #5 and #6), and each tent is dedicated to a topic for the whole day. Artisans are welcome to take part in informal one-on one instruction, open workshop times, joint artisan/area projects, sharing, networking, and night classes. "

There will be plays to go see. "The Performing Arts Tent is at the corner of Kurdson Way and Chandler's Road, with complete facilities for performers, including a stage, lighting, and a small backstage area."

There is a classroom set aside for learning the games that were played in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, too. Wouldn't it be great to learn some board and card games to have a gaming tournament at 12th Night???

And the music...The Knowne World Choir and Debatable Choirs are going to perform at the performing arts tent. There are always wandering minstrels in the merchant area...and the lady with the hurdy gurdy.

Pennsic has the makings of being a great vacation this year!