Monday, June 30, 2008

Twin Lakes Demo!

Howdy Y'all!

Well, it's here on Thursday...

The annual Westmoreland Arts & Heritage feastival ant Twin Lakes Park outside of Greensburg.


Here's "the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly".

This year we were able to get five parking passes, so once again we will be recycling them like nothing else. We're in Lot B, the cozy one. Please contact me if you need a pass, and please don't be insulted when I go "Why?". We have quite a few guests coming from outside of our area and we need to amke sure that everyone has a chance to drop items off. OK, that was the "Bad" part.

I will be starting to set up Wednesday evening after work (5:30ish). The nice people running the feastival asked that we not continue to set up after dark, as it makes the security squirrels uneasy and much more prone to violence. Nasty wounds, those bite marks! Anyone wanting to swing by and lend a hand,... well, I am giving out sainthoods. (Goes with the crusader persona!)

Anyone with items to display, and are willing to have those items at the event throughout the weekend please contact me and I'll either arrange to pick them up or be ready to receive them. Come on, I'm offering sainthood here!

We'll be ready to go at 10:30 am on Thursday and will go until 8:00 pm each evening. Basically 'til around sunset. We'll probably toss dogs and/or burgers on the grill in the evening around close and all are welcome. Sunday evening is the break down, and once again, sainthood will be given freely... The mundane persona has to get up at 5:30 am.

This is going to be a fun event (see there IS a Good). We'll meet a lot of people and have a good time. I'll be in armor for the first time in around 15 years, so slap-stick (or slap-Otto) will be rampant. Oh yeah, that's the Ugly part...

Seriously, I want to thank everyone in advance for all of the help and assistance.


Otto the Giver of Sainthoods

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hello all!

Dragonwriter, I finally am here. I am getting my stuff together on runes for the Twin Lakes demo. I probably won't get there until Saturday as I'm working. I'm going to bring some copies of different rune systems to handout. Also, I have notebook paper and pens to allow the passersby to try their hands at writing their names in runes. Hmm, that reminds me; I have to find a couple of the rune sets that I've made up. Maybe, I can paint some or maybe even use my woodburner to make a couple more sets. I also have to mail my things to the Garnet Herald so I can get my name and device passed.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rainbows and Heraldry

What a sight... after a torrential downpour, those who attended Monday night's Heraldry gathering were treated to a beautiful double rainbow! I took a picture with my cell phone, but unfortunately I can't get it to email the photo to my computer... so you'll just have to take my word for it... it was very pretty and vivid.

Happy news... two submissions passed Kingdom level and are on their way to Society. And tonight, I discovered that two more submissions have been posted for review by Kingdom Heralds - keep your fingers crossed that their names and devices pass as well.

I still need to write up the Court Report from Spring Thing - sorry everyone! I'll try to get it done very soon.

And this is VERY important!!! There will be NO HERALDRY NIGHT IN JULY. Due to the craziness of Pennsic, we'll not have a meeting in July. But we will have one in August. I forgot to mention this at the meeting, but would we like to make it a Picnic??? Look at your calendars. Do we want to have it on a Saturday or Sunday or our usual Monday evening?

One last thing, this weekend (27-29) is the kick off of Ligonier 250! Wow, I live in a town that is 250 years old! Saturday will be packed with different activities, including reenactors at the Fort. Also the Tour of Pennsylvania begins Stage 5 in Ligonier that morning, with the cyclists racing from Ligonier to the South Side of Pittsburgh. There will be cyclists here from several different countries (Belgium, Australia, Argentina, Canada, Germany, Russian, Netherlands) and states (Pennsylvania, Colorado, North Carolina, California, New York, Minnesota, New England). And the piece de resistance is the Zambelli Fireworks Saturday evening. So, if you're looking for something to do, come on over! (If you want more information, visit

Ta Ta!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Heraldry Night

Yes, it's that time again... Heraldry Night is Monday, June 23 at 6:30 pm in the Latrobe Coffee Bean Cafe. Everyone is welcome! We generally try to have fun at these meetings. So if you have the evening free, we hope you'll join us.

If you have a name and/or device that you would like to work on, please bring it. And if we were in the process of working on a name and/or device for you, please attend so we can finish it.

Also, our dearest Lady Elizabeth (Rose) drew some ideas for the Canton's badge. I will (hopefully) remember to pack them in with my Heraldry stuff for all to view. If you have been playing around with a design, please bring it along. Or if you have it locked in your mind's eye, but can't draw... sometimes we're fortunate enough to have a person in attendance who can actually draw.

By the way, don't let a lack of ability to draw keep you from acting on an interest in heraldry. 'Cause I'm proof that you can be a herald and not know how to draw... at all... if you don't believe me, ask to see my dragon! Besides, there are many aspects of heraldry. Come to a meeting some time to learn more about us!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yeah, it's over - and what fun we had!

Kiwi.... what are you doing awake already?

To everyone who assisted, played, fought, and were there hooray and vivats to you all. It was a splendid event in spite of the weather.

I'm certain that in my afternoon stupor I missed thanking many individuals integral to the success of the Spring Thing. I'd like to attempt to correct that herein, but if anyone is left out, please understand that it's still quite early on the day after...

To the many members of the Bog who came out to support us, with special thanks to the Baron & Baroness who tolerated many questions and communications and were supportive throughout, to Lady Cynthia who was gracious and extremely helpful in preparing me for the unexpected, to Lord Urho Waltterinen of BMDL, Baron Quinn, Ken the Just, and Lord Corwyn for our terrific and well enjoyed Marshal activities, to Lady Alexzandria for her loving preparation of a feast well enjoyed, to Glenna who trolled us in and greeted us with a smile on her face the whole day long, to Lord Otto for his assistance in the kitchen, the hall, and the "everywhere else", to Craig for all of his assistance in addition to the preparation of the beautiful display of the boars head for the head table (which should have been an entry in the art competition), to our terrific Herald for honoring many requests of her skill without complaint, to Vincent for being tall and allow me to take advantage of that, to our triple crown winner, not only for the wonderful A&S competitions, but also for the Canton's beautiful new banners, and to for all of the populous including our terrific newcomers for making this a wonderful event.

See you at Twin Lakes for our Arts & Heritage Festival demo July 3-6.

- Fejes Elena

Spring Thing Round-Up

I'd like to take a quick moment to thank Fejes Elena for Autocrating the 9th Spring Thing event. And what a day! The temperature turned out to be comfortable and the storms brought some wonderful breezes... as well as lots... and lots... AND LOTS of rain! Many people were caught trying out a most fashionable "drowned" look. Despite the weather, we had a great turnout that included several people who were attending for the 1st time and who will hopefully return again next year! I know Elena will post a thank you when she's had a bit of sleep... but I'd like to also thank everyone who helped to make this a fun day from the autocrat & feastocrat to the marshals to the attendees. Also, congratulations to the days contestant winners... most especially our own Rachel Dalicieux who was a triple-crown winner - Arts, Brewing and Bardic (which was very pretty... ask her to sing and play her song for you some time). Vivats to Rachel! Here's looking forward to what next year will bring.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Spring Thing on Saturday

Don't forget... the Westland Mor's annual Spring Thing event is THIS SATURDAY!!!

We hope everyone will try to be there. Sharyl and Allie have put together a wonderful combination of event and food.

Oh and for those who might have been concerned... the Weather Channel is predicting that Saturday will be in the mid-70s! Doesn't that sound great? Sure, ok... they're also predicting isolated thunderstorms, but what Bog/Westland Mor event would be complete without the possibility of a little (or a lot) of rain?

So, grab your gear, garb and water-proof cloak (or attitude) and join us for fun, friendship and good food.

Visit for more event details.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

OK, so I'm running a bit late....

The Canton Business Meeting was held on June 2 at Legion Keener Park in Latrobe, PA. It was attended by 10 members.

Officers’ Reports
1. Herald – Lady Caitilin agreed to stay on for another term as herald.
There were four submissions this month, worked out through the monthly Heraldry workshop (2 names & e devices).
June’s Heraldry Workshop in on June 23rd at 6:30pm at the Coffee Bean in Latrobe.
2. Web mistress - New Blog & MySpace pages. We went over the basic rules of posting.
3. A&S - Banner sewing is on-going. So far the banners are looking great! Receipts were given for reimbursement.
A&S at spring Thing – There will be Brewing, Bardic, and Arts events.
4. KM - Lord Corwyn agreed to stay on for another term as Knight Marshal.
New Authorization forms were given over to Corwyn.
5. Exchequer - We now have our own checking account.
5. Seneshal - Thanked officers for submitting their quarterly reports and for their on-going dedication.

Old Business
1. Spring Thing Site – OK
Feast – OK. Lady Alexzandra requested volunteers to help in the kitchen during the event as well as “pig-watchers” for Friday evening..
Marshals – OK. Targets to be made. Are scrolls needed? Discussed with Rachel.
Troll – OK
Chinese Auction as a fundraiser – OK
Setup will occur on Friday afternoon.
2. Twin Lakes Demo Rough schedule for combative demo’s. No archery or throw weapons.
Discussed demo area.
Minimum of three people at once to run area.
Open for requests for items needed at the demo (water, holes, etc.)

New Business
1. Spring Thing 09 Bids due during August Business Meeting & will be awarded at September Business Meeting.

Chaos ensued with Weiner Roasting & general munching!

The July Business Meeting will be held on July 7th at the same location.



Saturday, June 7, 2008

Quick Spring Thing History Lesson

Did you know that Spring Thing actually came about 10 years ago in 1998? We skipped a year, thus making this only our 9th actual year to hold the event.

The very first Spring Thing was autocrated by Lady Kat, and was held at the Cooperstown Vets Club in Latrobe (PA) on Saturday, June 13th. The event was held on the western border of the Shire of St. Swithin's Bog. Yes, you read that right! At the time of our first Spring Thing, we were still a shire. Later that year the Shire became the Barony, and THLady Sarah Charmaine of Falkensee became the First Baroness. Now the event is hosted by the Barony's Canton of Westland Mor; and Their Excellencies, Quinn Kerr and Vivienne Marie de Beauvais are our patrons.

Spring Thing has more often than not had a theme to it - Martial Triathlon, Shakespeare With a Twist, Murder Mystery, Castle Battle, Defenders of the Border, Dragon's Tale, Myth and Merriment... to name a few. This year's theme will be Day of Swine & Roses.

Hope you've enjoyed this little history lesson... now live the real thing and join us on Saturday, June 14th for this year's Spring Thing.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Photo Request

I'm currently working on the Photo Gallery page for the Canton's website. I have some pictures from events long past, but would like to include some more recent ones. If you have some nice photos (especially from an event held in the Canton or of Canton Boggers), please burn them to a disc and give them to me at the next Canton business mtg, Heraldry Night or even at Spring Thing.



Greetings Everyone!

Don't forget... Spring Thing is just around the corner! Saturday, June 14th to be precise. We'll be having a variety of competitions throughout the day, so get your gear, A&S entries and self to the event. For more information, visit the link under "Upcoming Events - June".

We're also going to have two demos back to back in July:

The Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival Demo is July 3rd - 6th at Twin Lakes Park near Greensburg, PA. Contact Otto (Lee Clapp) for more information.

The Galleria Mall Demo & Baronial Championship Event is Saturday, July 12th at the Galleria Mall, Johnstown, PA. Contact Baroness Vivienne or THLord Tower for more information.

Both demos could greatly use your help! Please mark them on the calendar and try to attend.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Meeting in the Park

Having the Business Meeting at Legion Keener Park in Latrobe was a great idea. Lots of shade, convenient parking, even bathrooms near by. We're not sure if there is Wi-Fi, but it might be fun to find out. But we did have plenty of squirrels... and Gerald playing with fire to cook the hotdogs... to offer entertainment! So, a pat on the back to our new Seneschal, Otto (aka Lee Clapp) for deciding to have it there.

By the way, did everyone know that we have a new Seneschal? As of the June Meeting! Our wonderful Lady Elizabeth "Rose" Thorne completed her term and handed over the reigns. Vivats! to Lady Rose for all her hard work and effort on our behalf... enjoy your time off (before you forget and accidentally say "maybe" again). And Vivats! to our new Seneschal, we're sure he'll do a fantastic job!