Sunday, June 8, 2008

OK, so I'm running a bit late....

The Canton Business Meeting was held on June 2 at Legion Keener Park in Latrobe, PA. It was attended by 10 members.

Officers’ Reports
1. Herald – Lady Caitilin agreed to stay on for another term as herald.
There were four submissions this month, worked out through the monthly Heraldry workshop (2 names & e devices).
June’s Heraldry Workshop in on June 23rd at 6:30pm at the Coffee Bean in Latrobe.
2. Web mistress - New Blog & MySpace pages. We went over the basic rules of posting.
3. A&S - Banner sewing is on-going. So far the banners are looking great! Receipts were given for reimbursement.
A&S at spring Thing – There will be Brewing, Bardic, and Arts events.
4. KM - Lord Corwyn agreed to stay on for another term as Knight Marshal.
New Authorization forms were given over to Corwyn.
5. Exchequer - We now have our own checking account.
5. Seneshal - Thanked officers for submitting their quarterly reports and for their on-going dedication.

Old Business
1. Spring Thing Site – OK
Feast – OK. Lady Alexzandra requested volunteers to help in the kitchen during the event as well as “pig-watchers” for Friday evening..
Marshals – OK. Targets to be made. Are scrolls needed? Discussed with Rachel.
Troll – OK
Chinese Auction as a fundraiser – OK
Setup will occur on Friday afternoon.
2. Twin Lakes Demo Rough schedule for combative demo’s. No archery or throw weapons.
Discussed demo area.
Minimum of three people at once to run area.
Open for requests for items needed at the demo (water, holes, etc.)

New Business
1. Spring Thing 09 Bids due during August Business Meeting & will be awarded at September Business Meeting.

Chaos ensued with Weiner Roasting & general munching!

The July Business Meeting will be held on July 7th at the same location.



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