Friday was my first day at the Twin Lakes Demo, and we had a great time.

If you're available, we hope you'll come join us as we still have Saturday and Sunday to demonstrate the things we love about the SCA. We may have even turned a Civil War re-enactor or two to our side. (No re-enactors were harmed in the making of that photo.)
Even if you don't feel like sitting in the demonstration area, we invite you to wear your garb and stroll through the craft/entertainment/food areas... just direct any curious people to the upper lake.
Check back when the demo is over for a summary of how things went and to see more photos.
I wish I could have seen it, LARPing is soooo much fun. It looks like you guys were having fun!
Actually the SCA is not a LARPing group, but we do have members who participate in both. While we are similar to LARPing groups and Renaissance festivals, we differ in that nothing we do is scripted or choreographed... in that regard the SCA has much more in common with the Civil War re-enactors, except that we cover a much larger span of time. However, at the heart of it, most re-enactors are hams and will dip into the world of drama for a good photo op or to attract attention at a demo!
The demo was a great deal of fun! We got to show the public much more than the armored combat. There were also paintings based on actual Medieval illuminations...some complete with gold leaf work. I was able to get a good portion of a weaving project completed. The most fun I had was watching Lord Gareth win a few of his bouts with the other armored combatants!
p.s. Caiti, can you tell me how to get on here to post? I want to put up the picture from the meeting tonight!
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