The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a multifaceted organization. Members are able to participate in various marshal activities, as well as a myriad of Arts and Science displays and competitions. At many events there are classes offered on a variety of Medieval aspects from food to making your own garb. In amongst all of this is something called Heraldry.
Heralds are generally recognized by their voices. They can be heard all around an event's site calling out announcements or activities about to take place. In Royal and Baronial Courts, it is the Herald's voice that you will hear calling forth individuals, reading scrolls and leading the "vivats!" (Vivat! is a medieval way of saying hurray.)
Another equally important aspect of Heraldry is assisting members of the SCA with the development of a persona - who you would have been had you existed in the real Middle Ages. Heralds help you with the creation of a device and name. Simply put, your device is a pictorial representation of you. Your name is how you will be known to other members.
Picking a name can seem like a tedious task, but it can actually be a lot of fun.
Like trying on new garb, it can be exciting to try on a new name. However, the method used to find that name varies. Some individuals pick a land from which they would like to be from or a culture they would enjoy belonging to or even a profession (e.g., Baker, Smith), and allow the name to develop from there. Others may pick a century from which they have a particular interest, then randomly pick a name they like. Still others will climb around on their family trees for the name of a distant relative who actually lived in the Middle Ages.
All of these are excellent methods to use in picking a name, albeit some are easier to work with than others. On constant though is that all names (and devices) must meet with the approval of the College of Heralds. Their primary function is not to make your life challenging, but to 1. Make sure the name is period and 2. Make sure that no one else in your immediate area or Kingdom has already registered the identical name. If all goes your way, then within a few months you will have a brand new SCA-friendly name.
However, there is one aspect in choosing a name that is far more important than the method you use to find it, and it needs to be considered before you submit your name for approval. While the above methods are excellent ways to find a name, none of them can ensure that you will respond to that name. I encourage you to try the name on like that new garb, and make sure that it fits. Not all names come tailor made. Involve your friends. If you are selecting a name in a language unknown to you, then ask someone to help you pronounce it - what might look beautiful on paper, may not be agreeable to the ear.
When we were babies, someone chose a name for us. While some were lucky enough to like their name, this was not always the case. Now you have a choice. The power to select a name is in your hands, use it wisely. And remember you are not alone, somewhere there is a herald eager to match you with the perfect medieval name!
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