Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Website Looks Great!


I just had a chance to look at the updated Canton of Westland Mor website. It looks great!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Twelfth Night in St. Swithin's Bog


Here are some moments from Twelfth Night in St. Swithin's Bog. As always, friends gathered togother to celebrate the season, fellowship and to recognize the works--great and small--of our SCAdian family.

Vivat to Hrothgar, now Sir!
Vivat to Iago, now Master!
Vivat to Rachel, now Lady!

May the sun shine gently upon you,

Elizabeth...known as Rose

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hapy New Year!!!

A new year is upon us... so what are some of your SCAdian New Year Resolutions?

A new piece of garb? A new event to attend? A new skill to learn?

Share your resolutions with your fellow SCAdians, someone might be able to assist you in achieving your goal or be inspired by it!!!

Either way... have a safe and wonderfully good New Year!!!

And don't forget to attend the Barony's annual Twelfth Night on January 17th at Green Gables. See the Canton's Events & Demos page for more details.