Sunday, October 2, 2011

For the Baronial Champions

We are Bog
These three words are tiny but together they evoke a spirit of family, strength born of adversity, courage to be not afraid, and a joy of life, the likes of which are found nowhere else in the Known World. These tiny words bind us together tighter than any rope.
We are BOG, the family, and the friend; the Barony, the Canton, and the People.
WE are Bog! Called out in unison to be heard across the field of battle and our foes quake in fear.
We ARE Bog, The song in every raven's heart as battle is joined and let no foe go undefeated
WE ARE BOG! Let all know, together we are invincible, undivided, we are passionate, and we are strong.
To you, Our champions, We say, "We are Bog".
As you represent the Barony, remember who we are.
When you stand for us remember what we symbolize.
WE ARE BOG! Be proud of what you have done this day.

-- Mistress AElfra Long

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