Sunday, June 15, 2008

Spring Thing Round-Up

I'd like to take a quick moment to thank Fejes Elena for Autocrating the 9th Spring Thing event. And what a day! The temperature turned out to be comfortable and the storms brought some wonderful breezes... as well as lots... and lots... AND LOTS of rain! Many people were caught trying out a most fashionable "drowned" look. Despite the weather, we had a great turnout that included several people who were attending for the 1st time and who will hopefully return again next year! I know Elena will post a thank you when she's had a bit of sleep... but I'd like to also thank everyone who helped to make this a fun day from the autocrat & feastocrat to the marshals to the attendees. Also, congratulations to the days contestant winners... most especially our own Rachel Dalicieux who was a triple-crown winner - Arts, Brewing and Bardic (which was very pretty... ask her to sing and play her song for you some time). Vivats to Rachel! Here's looking forward to what next year will bring.

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